4 of the Top Eco-friendly Funeral Options in 2021

Eco-friendly is a term you are probably used to hearing a lot. When given a chance to choose between an eco-friendly product or company, studies show most of us are usually inclined to choose the eco-friendly option. Especially when the eco-friendly option is less expensive.

In the United States, we hear this term used frequently by politicians, businesses, and thought leaders, which creates this “sense” that people are taking care of environmental issues. However, as a country that is the second-largest greenhouse gas emitter, we still have a lot of work to do. And there are ways to do nearly everything in more eco-friendly ways, including eco-friendly funeral and burial options.

No one really talks much about the impact we have on the environment after we die. For the most part, people think when you are cremated or buried, your remains will probably be biodegradable, but this is only partially true. As with most things, every approach has pros and cons.

Is it more environmentally friendly to be buried or cremated?

While some people assume that cremation is the greener option, according to this article, a single cremation uses as much gas and electricity as a 500-mile road trip. The process also emits 250 pounds of CO2, which is equivalent to the amount an average person would produce in six days. So does that mean traditional burials are a better approach? Not necessarily. Traditional burials are harmful to the environment because they use a significant number of materials such as steel, lumber, concrete and embalming chemicals. Situations vary, so answering the question, “Is it more environmentally friendly to be buried or cremated?” isn’t clear cut. What’s helpful is that there are a growing number of eco-friendly funeral options.

Which burial options are more environmentally friendly?

Here are four of the most eco-friendly burial options available in 2021:

Natural Burial: Also knows as green burial, it is one of the most eco-friendly options. Some people wonder, “Why is embalming bad?” Well, natural burial doesn’t use embalming chemical, or large amounts of wood and steel. Instead, the body is wrapped in natural fibers, like cotton and linen. Without caskets, urns or vaults in concrete, brass, bronze or steel, the remains will decompose more naturally. Click here to learn more.

Tree of Life Cremation Burial: As a way to honor the memory of the person who passed away, planting a tree is a newer and quite beautiful way to symbolize a return to nature. Instead of focusing on death, Tree of Life Cremation Burials emphasize life, and create a living legacy and tribute to someone who has passed on. With this burial type, the cremains are mixed directly with the soil and a tree or shrub is planted above them as a living memorial. Visit this page for more information.

Scattering Ashes at Sea: This is probably one of the more well-known methods to scatter cremation ashes. However, while this practice is permitted, many regulations need to be followed, starting with ensuring that the ashes are scattered the required distance from land in nautical miles. Different companies offer various services that can range from chartering a boat, to helping coordinate and conduct a small gathering ceremony with loved ones. If you need more information about this burial service, click here.

Memorial Reef Installations: This type of burial service places the deceased remains in an undersea memorial garden. The cremated remains are integrated within a concrete reef ball (an artificial reef module that mimics natural reefs’ structure and function) and submerged at environmentally approved ocean locations.  With more than 6,000 Memorial Reefs currently deployed worldwide, these resting places support marine life by increasing biomass and marine nourishing areas that have been adversely impacted by climate change, pollutants or overfishing. Please visit this page for more information.

There are many different burial options to consider, and the best advice we can give you is to go with whichever option feels right to you. There isn’t a perfect eco-friendly solution, but the options we highlighted here are alternatives to help you reduce the environmental impact.

You probably still have more questions about these options, and we want to let you know we are here to help answer them and give you as much information as you need. Contact the team at Destination Destiny today through our website, email, or give us a call at (609) 628-2297. We look forward to helping you however we can.