Remote Memorial Services in New Jersey with Memorial Reefs International

OCEAN CITY, N.J., Aug. 10, 2020 — Destination Destiny and Memorial Reefs come together to create an experience you will always remember. On September 25, 2020 Memorial Reefs International and Destination Destiny will dedicate their very first Memorial Reefs in the United States in Ocean City, New Jersey. This location comes after a significant demand from residents of the east coast of the United States. The partnership with Steelmantown Cemetery through Destination Destiny brings Memorial Reefs International to New Jersey, where many families seek greener funeral options.

A diver observes a growing Memorial Reef
A diver observes a growing Memorial Reef

This event is open to anyone who has the cremated remains of a loved one that they wish to inter at our New Jersey location. The New Jersey event also marks the inaugural date upon which individuals can purchase a Now and Later Memorial Reef. This option allows any living person to dedicate a Memorial Reef now in order to begin their contribution to restoring marine life. When their time comes, a second Memorial Reef will be created in the second Undersea Memorial Garden location of your choice.

Many events in our lives are shifting to make safety your priority. But what happens to funerals, a celebration that can bring the most peace out of sorrow? A memorial service can still be a beautiful experience for loved ones from the comfort and safety of their home. Memorial Reefs International and Destination Destiny value the health and safety of their clients, which has resulted in the completely remote dedication of the first Destination Destiny & Memorial Reefs International Undersea Memorial Garden. Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, this event will be completely virtual. Families and friends can still witness the dedication.  Social distancing measures prevent meeting in person, but not the creation of a living memorial in a spectacular location.

Observing the placement of a Memorial Reef
Observing the placement of a Memorial Reef

The ceremony will still value the ways in which we respect and honor those who are being memorialized, just in a manner that puts the safety of their friends and families first. The ceremony will be recorded for viewing at the Undersea Memorial Gardens located ten miles off shore of Ocean City, New Jersey. Registration ends August 25, 2020 for this dedication event, so contact Memorial Reefs International and Destination Destiny immediately for more information and booking details.

The mission at Memorial Reefs International is rehabilitation and protection of the world’s ocean ecosystems through the development and use of ecologically sound artificial reef technology. The concrete used for a Memorial Reef has a pH balance that matches the ocean and the structure contains no rebar. This means a Memorial Reef will last hundreds of years, serving as a home for an abundance of marine life. Memorial Reefs give your family the opportunity to gather around and connect in a marine paradise through a living memorial.  Register today to dedicate a Memorial Reef on September 25, 2020.

Contact Destination Destiny today to plan a remote dedication for your safety and comfort.

For additional information about the partnership, contact Mr. Edward Bixby at (609) 892-4429 or  Direct sales queries to (609)-628-2297.