Destination Destiny & Memorial Reefs International Announce
Green Funeral Partnership in New Jersey
OCEAN CITY, N.J., July 20, 2020 — Memorial Reefs International is delighted to partner with Destination Destiny in bringing diverse green burial options to families in need. Memorial Reefs International provides families and their loved ones a unique final resting place that creates and perpetuates marine reef ecosystems, essential to facilitating fish biomass restoration and coral regeneration.

Destination Destiny is the premiere eco-friendly funeral disposition company offering a variety of green funerals, and provides diverse choices to families when it matters most. They are now available to provide Undersea Memorial Gardens off the coast of Ocean City, New Jersey.
The mission at Memorial Reefs International is rehabilitation and protection of the world’s ocean ecosystems through the development and use of ecologically sound artificial reef technology. The concrete used for a Memorial Reef has a pH balance that matches the ocean and the structure contains no rebar. This means a Memorial Reef will last hundreds of years, serving as a home for substantial marine life. Memorial Reefs give your family the opportunity to gather around and connect in a marine paradise through a living memorial.
The partnership with Steelmantown Cemetery though Destination Destiny brings Memorial Reefs International to New Jersey, where many families seek greener funeral options. This collaboration is perfect as Memorial Reefs International’s Undersea Memorial Gardens are located in areas where natural habitats have been weakened by climate change and human activity. The memorials are specially designed to promote regrowth and revival of local marine life. Each individual’s Memorial Reef will help to rebuild these habitats.
Destination Destiny and Steelmantown Cemetery seek to do the same on land. They provide an option that has a significantly reduced carbon impact and creates a more intimate funeral option with hand-dug graves and natural burials within their historic cemetery in Woodbine, New Jersey. Burials are free from toxic chemicals that can leech into the soil and the individuals are placed in environmentally friendly shrouds or wicker caskets. The founder of Destination Destiny and Steelmantown Cemetery, Ed Bixby states it as such, “Eco-friendly funeral options are the future of funeral service. We strive to create a better future by stewarding the environment while celebrating the life that was lived and how that individual chose to live their life.”
Destination Destiny’s reputation precedes them in their New Jersey community through the work done at Steelmantown Cemetery. As a company, Steelmantown has made significant strides in elevating green funerals to the national conversation for those in need and in highlighting the diverse options available in the death care industry. The team at Memorial Reefs International are ecstatic about the opportunity to collaborate in such a historic area, with a group as respected as Steelmantown/Destination Destiny.
Contact Memorial Reefs International or Destination Destiny to discover the perfect location for your destination funeral. They are working together to bring Memorial Reefs to families in need, now in New Jersey!
For information about the partnership, contact Mr. Edward Bixby at (609) 892-4429 or Direct sales queries to (609)-628-2297.